Thursday 31 May 2012

Webby Situations...

Since summer is starting, so are the emergence of those "oh-so-dreaded" creepy crawlies! Now while I am not that afraid of them (well some) they are still giving me a lot of nuisance! For the past week, I have taken advantage of the sunny weather and done the daily clothes wash for myself and the family. However, every single day I go to dry the clothes outside on the washing line...there they are..... WEBS! all over my washing line and pegs! 

Now apparently, the one way to stop this from happening is to use a couple of drops of lemon juice and dilute it with one cup of water. Next using a damp cloth, wipe it all over the washing line and pegs. This is based on the thinking that spiders have taste buds on their feet, and they will be deterred from the lemon scent which is why you should effectively have no more webs! This is a top tip I am willing to try out for all you web-haters out there! I shall keep you updated on how it goes. In the mean time , i would appreciate any web-tastic deterrent ideas from you guys! 

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